A Belgian non-profit organisation that has been active in Goma for over 30 years.
EALE’s mission is to promote and lead local partners in sustainable development for the benefit of vulnerable mothers and children in Goma, as actors of change and peace.
Children are the first victims of war and its consequences. They are also the adults of tomorrow.
EALE aims to enable its beneficiaries (±6,500/year) to rebuild a dignified life, through actions leading in the medium to long term to autonomous and responsible projects, managed by young and local teams. With this in mind, and through educational and socio-economic initiatives, the projects encourage the strengthening of knowledge and skills, entrepreneurship and income-generating activities.
+ 0Direct beneficiaries.
+ 0Indirect beneficiaries.

All our directors and members are volunteers.
The board of directors.
Alain Englebert, Anne Vandenkerckhove, François van den Bosch, Manuela del Marmol, Nathalie Staquet, Patrick de Brabandere, Véronique Mairlot and Vincent Goffin.
Local managers.
Anne-Marie Kitumaini (AGAPE), Augustin Mosange (FCG), Richard Mubua (FNG), Jean Philipe Byamungu (HAD), Bruno Mambo (INUKA), Vanessa Jados (KIS) and Sifa Saidi (PJB).
Coordination in Goma.
Jean Philipe Byamungu.

The Democratic Republic of Congo.
In 1994, Goma, on the border with Rwanda, was the centre for hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the genocide. In 2002, the city was devastated by a major eruption of the Nyiragongo volcano, leaving more than 120,000 people homeless. To this day, and for the last 30 years, the Goma region remains, unfortunately, the epicentre of deadly civil wars led in particular by the M23. The children and women of Goma, who are the first innocent victims, live – if not survive – in an environment of permanent insecurity and an extremely precarious socio-economic situation.
Goma is the capital of North Kivu province, with a population of over 8 million. Situated at an altitude of 1,500m in the Rift Valley, the city had a population of 782,000 in 2024, but is home to more than 1,500,000 people, half of whom are refugees, displaced persons or migrants.
With an area of over 2.3 million km² (76 x the size of Belgium) and a population of over 105 million, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is the 4th most populous country in Africa. The east of the DRC, of which Goma is the lighthouse, is at the heart of the Great Lakes Region.
+ 0In Goma, including ± 700,000 refugees, displaced persons and migrants.
For more than 30 years, this region has been ravaged by constant civil wars:
1986 |
East African paradise |
1994 |
Rwandan genocide |
2014 |
20 years of civil wars |
2024 |
State of siege |
Sources of our revenue.
Average 2019-2023. Our contributions are audited by ECAUTEF and our accounts by Be Audit. EALE is accredited by Donorinfo.
43,6% Fondations
31,8% Private donations
10% Legacies
7,3% Events
5,1% Subsidies
2,2% Corporate
Average for 2019-2023. Our operating costs are 3,7%, financial costs 1,4% and events 3,9%.